It's promotion time!

Your first baby has just been promoted to Big Brother or Big Sister! It's hard know how the new CSO (Chief Sibling Officer) is going to handle their new role and trust me I've seen it all. They could love that baby SOOOO much they always want to help and hold and touch and while it's super sweet it can also be overwhelming and nerve-racking, especially if they haven't really mastered the concept of "gentle" yet. Or they could not want anything to do with this new, loud, bundle that's taking away some of mommy and daddy's time from them. Or it could even be a mix of both, they want to hold the baby so badly and then, just like that, "okay I'm done".

It's understandable. Your first baby has had their whole world turned upside down. They no longer have 100% of your time and attention. They don't know where this new baby came from or when it'll go back 馃槀 (mine definitely asked this). And no matter how well you feel like you did, reading the books and talking about the baby in your tummy and letting your first born carry around a baby doll the truth is, for little ones, they really don't understand until it becomes concrete. And that is HARD.

So it tracks that you may not know what to expect from your first born during a newborn session. Don't worry. I got you. Usually the first thing I do when I arrive is have big brother or sister help give me the tour. This gives them a sense of control, makes them feel special and important, and helps them feel more comfortable with me. Then I'll involve them in as much of the photos as they want to be. If I'm having mom change the baby into their session outfit, I'll ask if they want to go sit on the changing table and watch or help. If mom is rocking the baby, I'll ask if they want to help and sing baby a lullaby or give them a kiss to help them sleep. If dad and baby are snuggling on the bed, I'll ask if they want to go get some mommy snuggles. And sometimes they just want to be in the room but doing their own thing and that's okay too. Some of my favorite photos are the ones with mom and dad adoring the new baby while their precious big is playing.

The new big sister in the session below did a little bit of all of the above and the end result was just the sweetest gallery ever. If you're wondering what it might look like when you add baby number two, take a look below for some inspo. Are you expecting in 2023? Send me a quick note if you have questions about a newborn session!