Boudoir Misconceptions – It’s WAY More Than “Sexy Photos”

Hey there! Let’s clear something up. If you think boudoir is all about taking pictures of “boobs and butts,” you’re way off. Boudoir is so much deeper than that. At Alli Tompkins Photography, it’s about helping women rediscover their beauty, confidence, and self-love. Let’s dive into the real magic of boudoir.

So, What’s Boudoir Actually About?
  1. Helping Moms Find Themselves Again - If you’re a mom, you get it. Sometimes you feel like you’ve lost a part of yourself, like you’re drowning in diapers and playdates. Boudoir is a chance to feel like you again, to remember you’re not just a mom—you’re a beautiful, powerful woman.
  2. Healing, One Step at a Time - Boudoir isn’t just about looking sexy—it’s about healing. For some women, it’s a way to reclaim their body after trauma, to rebuild that connection with themselves. It’s a reminder that you are strong, worthy, and gorgeous, inside and out.
  3. Post-Divorce Glow-Up - Been through a breakup or divorce? Boudoir is the ultimate confidence booster. It’s like hitting reset on how you see yourself—strong, independent, and totally fierce.
  4. For Every Body, Every Shape - Listen, boudoir is for everybody. You don’t need to be a certain size or fit into society’s mold. Boudoir photography is here to celebrate every curve, every stretch mark, every part of you that makes you uniquely you.
  5. Rediscovering Your Sexy Side - Boudoir isn’t just for your partner (though they’ll love it). It’s for you! It’s about feeling sexy in your own skin, whether you’ve lost touch with that feeling or just want a confidence boost.
  6. The Big Reveal: You’ve Always Been Gorgeous - Sometimes we’re our own worst critics. Boudoir helps you see yourself through someone else’s lens, and spoiler alert—you’ve been stunning all along. You just needed a little reminder.

Boudoir photography isn’t about making someone else happy. It’s about celebrating YOU. Whether you’re stepping into your power post-divorce, rediscovering yourself after motherhood, or just wanting to feel like the queen you are, boudoir is here to lift you up.


Let’s make it happen! Contact Alli Tompkins Photography and let’s book your session today. You’re gonna love what you see.